Thursday, February 17, 2011

Release from the shakles of the senses

All forms of meditation, all rituals, chants tapasya or suffering or simply any situation that happens to us in our day to day life amounts to only one thing.  That is, to take us as fast or as slowly as we want it, in order to realise our true selves.  That is the only difference from the life of a spritual persion and non-spritual persion.  The one who lives the life of the spirit knows that his efforts and the situations that come to him are steering him inward.  Those who have no idea about spirituality haven't figured this out yet, and are living a frenetic life, reacting to situations in daily life and complicating matters further.  

Sri Krishna continues his talk to Arjuna about the man of steady wisdom.  He tells him that just like the wind that toss the sails  and the boat on the ocean, the pleasures of the sense organs drive the boat of this body into a choppy world outside.  So a Sthitha Pragnya is one whose senses are totally withdrawn from reacting to the phenomenal world of happenings and that rests itself in the awareness that helps to witness it all. 

That which seems like night or darkness that the world shuns, the man of steady wisdom perceives as the divine light of consciousness.  Just as alll the rivers merge into the ocean and yet the ocean remains as it is, the Sthitha Pragnya is a steady person, despite all the objects of pleasure gravitating towards him. 

When Krishna says that only that person attains peace, who does not have any desires, does not have this sense of "I-ness," and "Mine-ness" and an egotistic attitude, he is charting a scientific path for peace.  When the mind desires something strongly or is adamant about what it desires, the neural pathways in the nervous system are clogged in one particular direction.  As a result of non-use, the other neurons die a premature death.  When the channels are clogged, the mind runs in just one direction all the time -- 'I like this, I don't like this,' for instance.  This is like the pendulum swinging from left to right constantly, and never stopping at the centre for moments of quiet. 

If I say, "I like chocolates." then my thoughts, emotions and feelings are trained in that particular direction.  When it becomes a regular habit, my neural networks governing other tastes soon take a back seat.  Also, too much of chocolate alone is also not good for the body.  It is the same for the other sense organs too -- when you always look at what you like, hear, smell taste and touch what you like. 

In real life, the mind may like one person or object more than the rest and it works in that direction.  But when there is difference between what should be the reality and reality itself, ther is nothing but suffering.  "I would like my friend to be this way, but my friend is not the way I want him to be."  "I would like my children to be wise, but they are otherwise!"  "I would like my spouse to be more loving, but he loves another woman more".

Such problems of expectations not being met are the order of the day.  The whole idea of the Gita is to train the mind to focus on the awareness within and not get torn apart between the directions of the sense organs. 

Sri Krishna concludes his talk on the yogi who attains the state of the Brahman or the cosmic conciousness which is the depth of his own being, beyond the mind.  The person who has reached such a state never suffers from the delusion that is the common lot of the human mind.  He attains that state of Brahma Nirvana or Moksha, which are different words for a liberated state of mind.  A liberated state of mind is nothing special: the difference is that it stays quiet in a state of wholeness, in tune with the consciousness and not in fragments and pieces shattered by small likes and dislikes. 

This article was published on leading daily written by Swahilya Shambhavi."  It attracted me very much and I learnt lot from it. 

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